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【Class Material】 Pre-Intermediate : WEEK 11

WEEK 11 : Section1~4      


1.)    Presentation: Student 6 Presentation

Business Activity: Dealing with Questions

Inviting Questions

  • Are there any questions?

  • Does anyone have any questions?

  • If you have any questions, I can answer them now.

Checking Understanding

  • Sorry, I didn’t hear you. Can you say that again?

  • Sorry, I don’t understand the question.

    • Step 1: Let me check your question.

    • Step 2: You’re asking me... is that right?

Commenting on the Question

  • Thank you for the question.

  • That’s a good question.

  • That’s an interesting point.

Structuring your Answer

  • There are two parts to your question.

  • First… and for the second part…

Checking if You Answered the Question

  • Did that answer your question?

  • Have I answered your question?

  • Does that make sense?


2.) Meeting Roleplay: Controlling the Discussion in Meetings + Evaluating Options (Student 4 Leading)

Meeting Roleplay 2: Evaluating Options

Meeting Roleplay 2: Choosing a New Celebrity

(Read Evaluating Options Roleplay Steps*)

Background: Our current celebrity spokesperson for our Japanese ads is leaving. We must find a new celebrity soon.

Goal: Pick a Japanese celebrity who best shows what our company stands for in Japan.

*Evaluating Options Roleplay Steps (English)

  1. Think for 3 minutes about which celebrity you want to choose.

  2. Type your choice in the chat box and give a short reason.

    • For example: “Ken Watanabe: Famous actor with a strong brand image.”

  3. Look at everyone’s choices and read their reasons.

  4. You have 2 minutes to think about the weak points (problems) of each choice in the chat box. Also, think again about your own choice. (You can prefer more than one option.)

  5. Start the meeting roleplay.

  6. During the roleplay, discuss and compare these options.

  7. If you do not like any option, you can suggest new ideas at any time.

評価オプション・ロールプレイの手順 (Japanese)

  1. 3分間考えて、どの有名人を選ぶか決めましょう。

  2. チャットボックスに自分の選択を書き、簡単な理由を述べてください。

    • 例:「渡辺謙:有名な俳優で、強いブランドイメージがある。」

  3. みんなの選択肢を読み、その理由を理解しましょう。

  4. 2分間、各選択肢の弱い点(問題)を考え、自分の選択肢をもう一度考え直しましょう。(複数の選択肢を選んでも大丈夫です。)

  5. ミーティング・ロールプレイを始めましょう。

  6. ロールプレイでは、これらの選択肢について話し合い、比較しましょう。

  7. もしどの選択肢も気に入らない場合は、いつでも新しいアイデアを提案してかまいません。



Saying Why an Idea is Good

  • One advantage is that…

  • Another good point is that…

  • I like that idea because…

  • (Idea) is a good option because…

Describing Weak Points

  • One problem is that…

  • Another issue is that…

  • I’m not sure about…

  • I think (idea) might be too…

Stating a Preference

  • I prefer (idea) because…

  • I’d choose (idea) because…

  • (Idea A) is better than (Idea B).

  • (Idea A) is more suitable than (Idea B)



3.) Business Discussion: Company

Vocabulary List

  • Mission Statement – A short description of a company’s goals.

  • Revenue – Money earned from selling products or services.

  • Shareholders – People who own shares in a company.

  • Merger – When two companies join together.

  • Board of Directors – A group that oversees the company.

  • Stakeholders – People affected by the company, like employees and customers.

  • Corporate Governance – How a company is managed and controlled.

  • Profit Margin – The percentage of profit made from sales.

  • Annual Report – A yearly report on company performance.

  • Subsidiary – A company controlled by another company.

Company Article:

A company’s success relies on a clear mission, good financial practices, and strong management. Revenue and profit margins show how well it’s doing, and shareholders depend on the board to make smart choices. Companies must also consider employees, customers, and other stakeholders. When companies merge, they need to align their goals carefully. An annual report provides a clear picture of the company’s performance for investors.

Discussion Questions

  1. How important is a company’s mission statement in its success?

  2. What financial factors are important for company success?

  3. Have you ever worked for a company going through changes, like a merger?

  4. How can companies balance the needs of shareholders and other people?

  5. What role does the board play in a company’s success?


4.) Casual Discussion: Any Topic from the Group


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